Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Hello people,
Longest time. Been tied down. I was just laying on the couch and I thought what is the relevance of beauty in marriage? I had a telephone conversation this evening and I told my cousin I had added weight since he last saw me. He then said "that means you are ugly now? I replied no but maybe not as pretty as before. I reflected on women I know who have remained beautiful over the years and realised most of them have failed marriages. Physical beauty will not make a cheating spouse stay. Staying beautiful should be something you do for yourself. If you do it for yourself then you will find happiness within you and thus build a healthy relationship. I can leave my house without any make up and have a pleasant day. When I make up, people always compliment me more but I like how God sees me and how people see my character not beauty.

This is because whilst man looks at outlooks, God looks at inward looks. I spend most of my time working on how God sees me and it always reflect on how others see me. The scripture tells us that "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans 8:5-9 KJV)

To be spiritually minded is life and peace. I know I want this peace because with the Chaos  of daily struggles, I like to know I can find peace somewhere. When I'm upset, I go to him for peace, when I'm hurt, he's there, when I'm confused, he always makes a way, even when it feels like the whole world is against me; I find solace in him. He is my everything. My friend, my helper, my guide, my guard, my teacher, my everlasting father. Let us all begin to find our inner beauty so that the world can then appreciate our outer beauty because we are completely beautiful. Have a blessed week.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Renew your mind

Hello people,
Longest time. Apologies for the long silence. Been a hectic week but all glory to God. So I got a comment the other day about marriage and pondered on the bible verse. Romans12:2. Why would God warn us not to conformed to this world? Many marriages fail because people conform to the things of this world. Firstly, we always do things based on what people would think or do. The things off this world tells us that divorce is a solution; knowing fully well that God hates divorce. The first thing I would say us: let's note the things we don't like about our partners. The things you think it's only a matter of time before you hit your limit.what we are going to try doing is to change our mind set. Bad thing is we cannot do it on our own. The good news is that God is there to help us. So instead of thinking " the next time they say or do something like this I'm gone" we are going to start praying to God to change our mind set to dwell and focus on the good in our partners and see that their down sides are not relevant.

The full verse states "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". God expects us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I urge us today as Christians to allow our lives emulate our Lord Jesus because by doing this, we will show others the perfect will of God. If we tell ourselves that there is nothing our spouse will do that would make us leave them; then there would be nothing for the devil to dwell on. He is there feeding on our anger and judgements of others. This stops us from seeing things from the eyes of God. Let us each day commit our marriages to God and resist the devil. If we are true to ourselves, the sky would be our first step. Father Lord I pray thee this day to begin to renew the mind of the person reading this blog. I ask that you Holy spirit begins to transform their spirit and teach them to live each day in your presence so that your perfect WILL in their lives will show for others to see In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Not I but the Lord

Hi everyone,
Let me start today by thanking everyone who reads these blogs regularly. I hope you are finding a thing or two beneficial. I know I am learning from them. Today is kind of a follow up from the last blog this is because I am trying to look at how God intends for us to live. We will be looking at 1st Cor 7: 10-17. We will begin with verse 10 & 11. "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife". My first question is; do people know this before they commit to marriage in the first place? I know a few people enter marriages assuming that they can always divorce and re marry. I know of two women who have obeyed this insruction. But believe me if I tell you that they were not aware of this portion but were only doing what they thought was right. This goes to show that you do not have to be a church going, all praying person to do the will of God. Once you strive to do good towards all men and let your conscience guide you; the spirit of God will always dwell with you. So to all the divorcees and separated couples, I urge you to start praying your way back together. If you are thinking " my partner doesn't know God" then I have a bigger surprise for you.

The next two chapters are for you and others in a marriage or relationship with un believers. Here it goes "But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. (1 Corinthians 7:12&13). Why has God said this? The next two verses says that the unbelieving husband or wife is saved by the believing spouse. All this means is that if the other person really loves you, you can pray God to change them. Like I say "if we follow the will of God, we will not fail" this is because God has an answer to every situation. Verse 15 goes on to give us the exception in this matter. "But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. So you see even God knows that there is a limit to what a person can take. Let us note that it says if the unbeliever departs; not you the believer. It is expected of you to cast all your marital burden on the Lord and he will grant you the desires of your heart. Yet not I but the Lord. Remain blessed and the God of all understanding will grant you peace IJN.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Hello all,
Hope the week is blessed so far? That we are alive and well is reason enough to be grateful. Growing up, most of us are told the bible is a guideline from God. I don't know if we have given this saying much thought but I tell you today tha it is literally true. Since starting this blog, I pay a bit more attention to every verse of the bible I read.  When we last looked at marriage; we used the old testament. In the new testament however, Jesus explains divorce from the old testament. Being the son of God, he tells us why Moses permitted divorce. "They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. (Matthew 19:7-9 KJV)". Jesus tells us that divorce is as a result of our hardened hearts.
I think this means that if we trust in God, we should be able to settle our differences amicably. No matter what we think is the extreme case for each of us, it is nothing before God. I had my own limitations as well and could argue my reason any day. Reading this portion now, I pray for God to always direct my steps and actions and give me wisdom in making decisions. Verse 9 of this portion tells us that any man who puts away his wife ( except it be fornication) and marries another commits adultery. How many marriages are formed on this basis? I for one can count about twenty. This is an alarm bell for all of us because the unlit ate race is heaven andGod wants us to run towards heaven in every aspect of our lives. Be is professional, in our relationships, as parents, sibblings and members of societies. One good deed a day everyone. Stay and remain blessed.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Hi guys, hope you are enjoying these blogs. Well I am still waiting for the comments . Today topic was inspired by a quote from a friend and it got me thinking. Hmm  eso the quote states " how often do are you in a conversation but you are not really listening because you've already made up your mind? Or you shut down, or you can't bear being wrong? Whatever the reason. Get over it. Learn to listen. If for no other reason than to ensure that your own voice gets heard because no man is an island".
This quote applies to all aspects of ones live but I will apply it to marriage as usual. The first thing that came to my mind was wow how true is this? For one when I ask for my husbands opinion on something, he believes I'm just being courteous and I will go on and do what I like regardless of what he says. Me on the other hand, I am doing this unconsciously. Men are said to be bad listeners and if you ask a man why, most of them would say we women talk a lot and worry about unnecessary things. However, we women do want your opinions; that's why we are asking and what we come to discuss with you might seem unnecessary to you but it is important to us.
Other times, you might be upset with your spouse and when they apologise, a voice in your head says "they are going to do it again"  what this small voice does is prevent you from moving on. I have learnt along the way that listening is a skill needed in a successful marriage. The bible tells us that before we ask from God, he knows what we want. However, he still requires us to make our requests to him. If God listens to us when we call on him; why can't we listen to one another. Wives to husbands, husbands to wives, parent to children friend to friend and brothers to sister.lets try and practice good and stand for truth in order to make this world a better place one blog at a time. Night all.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Faithfulness to God or Man

Hi there,
Hope our weekend is going well? It's raining here so I don't know what the day holds. Whilst writing the last blog, I stumbled on some interesting information. Ruth 1:16 says "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God". Ruth began her faithfulness towards Naomi even when there was no gain for her. Remember Naomi lost her sons young and had two daughters in law. Prior to this verse, Naomi asked her two daughters in law to go back to their families because she was old and couldn't bear children anymore. With this knowledge Naomi made this statement.  From there she served Naomi faithfully like a daughter. The reward was great. So sometimes we will be faced with things that might not gain from or might not have light at the end of the tunnel; we have to be faithful. A small sacrifice is always worth it.

If we go on to look at David; he was a very sinful man but was ever faithful to God and for this God really blessed him. He was not proud or arrogant with his wealth. He was humble and God did not hesitate in blessing him. Whatever we do, let us remain faithful to the truth and people that stand for it in order to get the ultimate blessing from God. Here we call it a day. See you all soon. Pls keep the comments coming.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Personality Clash

Hi everyone, good to be with you today. I was trying to decide what the topic should be. Anyway I decided on this because it is something I am interested in understanding. This is a big issue with marriages because two people are coming together from different background. The first thing I realised is that there is no wrong way just differst ways. We both like things to be done my way. Who will bend? Or we are I both hot headed; who will bow? I think the easy answer would be the woman. Not because we are weaker but on the contrary because we are stronger and God has given us the wisdom to deal with our husbands. Take a look at Esther in the Bible; she was able to talk the king out of killing Mordecai. Esther knew how to get the favour of this mighty King and then caused him to do her bid. Even though she had her plan from the onset and knew what outcome she wanted. By this she overcame Hamans plans for the Jews. Esther chapters 4- 6

Even Deborah was known for her great wisdom and helped Barak overcome Canaan with the help of another Great woman "Jeal". I guess if we try and bend for peace to rain, we will always get what we want at the end.  Men usually know the worth of a woman who sacrifices her beliefs for him and as time goes by, he would come to rely on her before he makes serious decisions. Win Win at the end. Let all the women out there pray to God for wisdom to run their homes and be good help for their husbands. As we lean more towards God, he will grant us the desires of our hearts in Jesus Name. Amen. Good night all.