Saturday, 29 October 2016


Hello guys, I have recently discovered that fear does a lot of damages in our lives. Last year I went through a phase where it took the grace of God to get me out and then i realised that fear was controlling and ruining my life.  In marriages,  we fear what people would say and do that we end up missing the point. Is anyone going to be in the marriage with you?  We are only accountable to God so why do we let people play god in our lives?

Whilst being afraid of what others think about our marriage, we end up hurting the ones we claim to love and start building walls that cannot be broken easily. I have written about forgiveness inthe past and that is the greatest weapon in a marriage.  One person earns more than the other,  so what? You are partners so why not put your hands together and plan?  How many people come and ask who is the higher earner? 

If you have such friends you need to rethink that friendship.  Your partner should be your best friend,  gossip partner everything. If your partner offends you,  take it to God in prayers.  As humans we tend to make a big deal about little things.  Before sleeping angry ask yourself if you didn't wake up next to your partner how would you feel.  Life is too short so we need to leatn to really show love always and live at peace with all especially our better half.  One day at a time. God bless

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

To Each His Own

Something has been on my mind lately and it has made me more grateful to God.  I really cannot say my marriage successes has been my doing.  This blovs have always been about the role God plays in marriages.  With so many failed marriages and broken relationships,  I have to say it can only be God.  No woman goes into a marriage with the intention of getting a divorce. Regardless of what people think or how a woman behaves,  nothing prepares anyone for the pains and emotional traumas that come with it.

I use to wonder why women stay in bad marriages but i gues the question of "what is the other option" plays in. People need to know that you need God before the marriage not when things have gone wrong. I believe that God can change people but I also believe a stich in time saves nine. Meeting a man in church doesn't mean he would be God fearing or a woman. You need to identify your reason for wanting a person,  understand their short comings and build a partnership.  Talk about everything,  share everything and plan together.

I think Christians need to challenge the devil and do things right.  There are no grey areas for a true Christian. Its either black or white regardless of whether you are caught or not.  Trust and respect are very important in every relationship. If you respect your partner you would not cheat or lie to them. Always remember that they are your partners and better half.  One and one equals one.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

First Years, Worst Years

So I have been with my husband for nine years and marries for five anx i have been doing a lot of thinking. The early years was full of arguments and fights.  A lot of conflict and misunderstanding. There were times i thought "how do people grow old in this" it has taken us years of prayers and commitment to get to where we are.  People say they marry for love but i can tell you that true love doesn't come until after you have passed through certain trials and see different sides of your partner to say you truly love them. I still say strongly that marriage cannot work without God.

It has taken the Holy Spirit to help me understand that we are on the same side.  The enemy is the devil.  Once i passed through a phase that God helped me overcome fear that I realised that the devil uses fear to steal our joy.  Fear of how your partner would react,  what they would say and others.  For me the Holy Spirit renewed my mind and I began to think well he wouldn't kill me so what the hell.  With this trust started to grow and our reactions to situations started to change. I have seen a man show me love when i was pregnant,  supported me through my studies, be a father, husband and head of my home. Now i can boldly say I'm madly in love with my husband.  When we are apart thoughts of him makes me smile.

As my kids ard growing, I am happy that they have a man like him in their lives and we have all grown together in this wonderful school of life. I watch my son look after his sisters and females around him.  It could only be God. Pray for the guidance of God in your life.