Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Mr Romantic

Hi guys so today's talk is just me thinking. Over the years inter racial relationships has surged. Not that I have any problem with it. It's just that so many things in life are changing but our African men are not. I was just thinking of how some African men are so romantic and loving but some just don't have a clue. Birthdays, anniversaries, dinners and just occasional compliments. A typical African man is so full of ego that they end up loosing all they care about. Whilst we pray for a good partner we need to also pray to be good partners. Both women and men like a bit of romance and affection.

For me this is where God comes in. In order to feel 100% love you need God. Back to my TV programmes; I see two sisters dating the same guy or one guy dates a circle of friends. Believe me it's not just on the TV alone. It's happening in our society. I mean where do we draw the line? How have we thrown all morality out the window? I get so confused and wonder what it will be like for our kids. True love only comes from God. He will make you love that one person, the one to always make you smile. Make you happy and make you stronger. I read of gay couples growing everyday and I think to myself how do you blame them? The world is full of liars and deceitful people. They are everywhere, especially in churches. You go and think "I should find a nice God fearing person here" but you end up with a monster. Like there is only so much pain anyone can take. Although at this point I would also argue that if you are right with God he will always guide you to the right path. So I believe that we need to pray for our marriages and relationships as we would for healing, breakthrough or deliverance. At the end of the day, he knows our beginning and end, he knew us before we were formed.

I will finish this with a prayer. Father in heaven, as we thrive to know and love each day, please perfect all that concerns us. Let your Holy Spirit guide and lead us in the right path as you make us into your own. Teach us not to lean on our own understanding but in all things turn to you first in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen

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