Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Forgiveness, let's start by ask why forgiveness is important in a marriage. The bible lays a few emphasis on forgiveness generally so I will take the common one from the Lord's Prayer that we recite daily. Matthew 6:12. We say this prayer everyday but most of us refuse to apply it. Who is it that is without sin? Mark 11:6 also tells us that if we do not forgive, our father also will not forgive. So whilst holding a grudge; you are withholding your blessings also. Howbeit this applies to life generally, it is important in a marriage because God already promised in Proverbs 18:22 that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from him. So where you should be reaping your blessings you start to set yourself back. Let us remember that Gen 2:24 already told us that once married two has become one. One in God and Christ . Would you hold a grudge against yourself?

Couples need to start understanding that once married you become one. You look out for each other, support each other, pray together and carry each other. Where Ephesians 5:22 tells women to submit to their husbands,verse 24 tells men to look after their wives and look after them without blemish or spot. I can only imagine what God would like marriage to look like. People make people make forgiveness look difficult however forgiveness gives you freedom and peace. When you forgive, God is happy with you and blesses you.

If you love someone, it should not be hard to let go. It goes beyond verbal confessions, it has to come from the heart. So even where the other party has not repented, it is for you to continue to forgive in obedience to God. Bearing in mind that forgiveness is about personal freedom; therefore sometimes you may have to leave that situation for your own peace.

In a nutshell, I believe if you love someone you would not do something that the other would not be able to forgive. Love your partner as you love yourself. Odejuma

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