Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Right Choice

Hello friends,  today we are going to talk about finding the right partner.  When we are ready to settle down,  do we look up to God or lean on our own understanding? According to the Bible in Genesis chapter 24 from verse13 downwards when Abraham wanted a wife for Isaac he sent his servant to go and get a wife and all he asked him to do was to ask God for a sign. The servant had faith in God. What kind of faith and trust do we have in God? Do we trust him to always do right by us or do we think that certain decisions are best made by ourselves?  I believe that since marriage was ordained by God it is only fair for him to be the person to go to for the right partner.

In the world today people struggle to find the right person full stop some people go through a lot of heartbreak and pain just found the right person.  In the olden days, this was not a problem and I think it should be better in this times because we have the Holy Spirit to guide us. The big question therefore is why do people still struggle to find the right person? why are we not trusting in God? when the Bible clearly tell us not to trust on our own understanding.

It may seem old fashioned but if it worked then, why not give it a try? it may work for you. God is near and waiting for us just to ask. why not trust in him today and ask him for the right partner flesh of your flesh bone of your bone and body for your ribs or ribs for your body he loves us and wants us to enjoy A Life full of joy,  peace and laughter.

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