Friday, 20 July 2012

Age Vs Maturity

Hello everyone, hope all is well? With the Olympics on the way this whole town is chaotic. Travelling takes almost double the usual time. It's killing me cos I'm coming home extra tired which I can do without. Before I start with today's topic, I am glad to tell you that anyone can leave a comment now. Hurray... Until today, I used to always say age was a big factor in marriage. However after a long telephone conversation to a close family, we decided that maturity and not age was the important factor. Whether your partner is one day or fifty years older or younger than you doesn't matter. What matters is their level of maturity. My daily reading for yesterday said "if you want a mature partner, you have to be mature yourself. Basically, whatever you want in your partner should first reflect in you. If we take time to think and make notes of what we expect from our partners; the first question would then be " would they see these traits in me? If you take on this approach, we wouldn't expect the undoable from our partners.

It's simply a matter of do unto others as you want others to do unto you or what the bible says to remove the dirt in your eyes before you see the one in your neighbours. Luke 6:41. this takes me back to one of my early blogs about dwelling on both strengths and not weaknesses. Your wife can clean but not cook and you on the other hand know a thing or two about cooking; why don't you work something out? Your husband leaves his clothes about but takes out the rubbish on time and gets the kids ready ontime. Wow why don't we compromise? These little things are so irrelevant but once you start counting, it can destroy good things. It goes from hmm yesterday he/ she did this, to today he/ she did not do that. All that really matters is how you guys decide to live together and raise your family because your folks have done the best they can and it is now up to you both to learn from each other. So that's all for today and hope this helps someone. Aurovior all. Look forward to next blog on third party damages. Remain blessed.

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