Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Fear of the unknown

I am sitting here asking myself so many questions. What if people don't read my blog? What if I don't succeed in this? Then I read something from Tyler Perry about not giving up on your dream. That's my inspiration. I was hoping that through comments I will be able to pick topics. Based on this I will be talking of some of the reasons people get married. From my first comment, the writer said "may God grant us the patience to wait for what is ours". people get married because of pressure from family, friends, because they fall pregnant, because they feel indebted to the other person and so on. The problem with all these reasons is they are all the wrong reasons. If you accept to get married and a few years down the line you find out it's not enough what happens then? You get married because you fall pregnant, wouldn't it be better to be a single mother of one and find the right person who will love you for who you are than a single mother of three or four with no support and only resentment towards yourself and others? You get married because your mates and friends are all married with kids. Who loses when you realise you are married to the wrong person and you both cannot tolerate each other; the only way out is a divorce? I can go on all night but the point I'm trying to make is that the consequences of marrying the wrong person is not worth it when all you have to do is be patient and prayerful and you will meet the rib of your body or the body to your rib. Psalm 40 vs 5 says Gods thoughts towards us cannot be reckoned with. So why do we think he would like for us to be unhappy in our relationships? Goodnight all.

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