Sunday, 29 July 2012


Hello my people, hope everyone had a good week? That you are reading this means u are still hanging there. No matter what the devil throws at you just remember that the bible tells us in Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. So hang in there. Today we are going to talk about LOVE. A word I cannot tell you I understand fully so I will go by the bible and try and see how we can apply what it says to our reality. So nothing defines love more than 1st Corinthians 13. Here we go; verse 1-3 tells us that if we have all the skills and talent and sacrifice ourselves without love, we profit nothing. So in marriage this means that your qualifications and achievements do not count in the home. Hmm, very interesting because I have heard phrases like he/she is up to my standard intellectually. This excuse is sometimes used to justify infidelity. Verse 3 talks about giving ones self for sacrifice; all I can think of here is if we become philanthropists to the world and treat ouw spouses like trash, there is no reward there. This is quite common and now I think about it "funny". As the old adage goes " charity begins at home". How easy is it for you to be out with your spouse and think "if only they behaves like this at home, or spoke to me with such respect and love? If you are on the giving side of this matter, please have a rethihk.

Verse 4 says "love suffereth long and is kind. Envieth not; vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. I don't know if there is a reason why it starts with ENDURANCE but personally, I believe endurance plays a very important role in marriage. This is because in marriage, you will need to endure things that maybe would kick you off on a good day. Because marriage is a learning institution, it is very important for us to endure things our partners would do in the name of love. Next is KINDNESS. So the dictionary definitions is someone who is indulgent, considerate and helpful. Very nice words don't you think? This is making sense to me now. To show kindness you have to portray these three characters. So love means to indulge your partner, be considerate towards their faults and mistakes and to be helpful. Helpful to me is a topic we need to explore on it's own. But for now let us sleep on this. To be contd.... Have a blessed week ahead may the God of all peace grant us all peace IJN.

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